【如何選購植物 - 光照篇】

【How to Choose Plants - Lighting】

Lighting is a very important consideration when choosing plants, because the growth and health of plants have a lot to do with light. When choosing plants, you need to consider the following aspects:

  1. Light Intensity: Different plants require different levels of sun exposure. In general, plants in full sun need at least 6 hours of sunlight per day, while plants suited to shady environments can grow with less sun. Therefore, when shopping for plants, you need to understand the lighting environment of your home, office or commercial space and choose the right plants.
  1. Direction of light: Light in different directions will have different effects on plant growth. For example, south- or west-facing windows or balconies provide more sunlight, while north- or east-facing windows receive less sunlight. Therefore, when choosing plants, you need to confirm the orientation of your space and choose suitable plants.
  1. Lighting time: Plants need a certain amount of dark time for photosynthesis, growth, rest and other physiological activities. Therefore, when choosing plants, you need to ensure that the plants have enough dark time to maintain their normal physiological activities.

In short, light is a very important consideration when choosing plants. You need to make sure that the plants you choose can adapt to the lighting environment of your space and provide enough light time and direction. Only in this way can your plants grow healthily and luxuriantly, and bring green beauty to your living environment.

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