plant care






添置室內植物要考慮的問題 - 光照與擺放位置

Things to consider when adding indoor plants - ...

Adding home plants/indoor plant placement, how to choose plants? Precautions for water spraying? space problem? What plants go with my interior style? I hope to answer all of them.

Things to consider when adding indoor plants - ...

Adding home plants/indoor plant placement, how to choose plants? Precautions for water spraying? space problem? What plants go with my interior style? I hope to answer all of them.

【如何養護植物 - 澆水篇】

【How to care for plants - Watering】

Watering is the most important part of plant maintenance, but it is also the most error-prone part. Improper watering amount and frequency can negatively affect the health of your plants,...

【How to care for plants - Watering】

Watering is the most important part of plant maintenance, but it is also the most error-prone part. Improper watering amount and frequency can negatively affect the health of your plants,...

【如何選購植物 - 光照篇】

【How to Choose Plants - Lighting】

Lighting is a very important consideration when choosing plants, because the growth and health of plants have a lot to do with light. When choosing plants, you need to consider...

【How to Choose Plants - Lighting】

Lighting is a very important consideration when choosing plants, because the growth and health of plants have a lot to do with light. When choosing plants, you need to consider...